
North Brooklyn Angels aims to cook & serve 2,000 meals per week to neighbors experiencing food insecurity in our community. Each weekday, our Angelmobile fleet (so far, three vehicles!) currently serves, on average, 300 meals, depending on the site and the weather. Volunteers prep and serve all the food served in our community meals.

Meals are available on a first come, first served basis and may all be distributed within 15-20 minutes (give or take) upon arrival, depending on the weather, holiday season, and other variables. Keep an eye out for either our white minivan or our hard-to-miss food trucks.

  • Monday In Greenpoint and Williamsburg

    1. 12:15 PM at 862 Manhattan Avenue: The truck is parked in front of the steps of the St. Anthony of Padua - St. Alphonsus church at the intersection of Manhattan Avenue and Milton Street.
    2. 12:30 PM at 195 Maujer Street: The van is parked in front of St. John the Evangelist Lutheran Church, across the street from the Williamsburg Houses.
    3. 11:45 AM at 1 Havemeyer Street: A meal is served right outside our Community Kitchen.
  • Tuesday on the Southside and in Bushwick

    1. 12:30 PM at 240 Division Avenue: The van is parked across the street from the Williamsburgh Library on the Division Avenue Overpass, between Marcy Avenue & Rodney Street.
    2. 12:00 PM at 176 St. Nicholas Ave: The truck is parked outside our partners at Iglesia de la Santa Cruz + Bushwick Abbey.
    3. 11:45 AM at 1 Havemeyer Street: A meal is served right outside our Community Kitchen.
  • Wednesday in East Williamsburg and Bushwick

    1. 12:30 PM at 195 Maujer Street: The truck is parked in front of St. John the Evangelist Lutheran Church, across the street from the Williamsburg Houses.
    2. 11:45 AM at 1 Havemeyer Street: A meal is served right outside our Community Kitchen.
  • Thursday in East Williamsburg and Greenpoint

    1. 12:30 PM at Cooper Park Houses Residence Council: The van is parked in front of the playground at the intersection of Jackson Street and Debevoise Avenue.
    2. 12:30 PM at 862 Manhattan Avenue: The truck is parked in front of the steps of the St. Anthony of Padua - St. Alphonsus church at the intersection of Manhattan Avenue and Milton Street.
    3. 11:45 AM at 1 Havemeyer Street: A meal is served right outside our Community Kitchen.
  • Friday in Bushwick and the Northside

    1. 12:30 PM at 138 Montrose Ave: The truck is parked in front of Most Holy Trinity Church.
    2. 11:45 AM at 1 Havemeyer Street: A meal is served right outside our Community Kitchen.
  • Saturday’s Community Meal in Greenpoint

    1. 11:00 AM at 155 Milton Street: A meal is served by our partners at Greenpoint Community Kitchen.
  • Sunday’s Breakfast Sandwiches in Greenpoint

    1. 10:00 AM at 81 Franklin Street: The truck is parked on the corner of Franklin & Noble Streets. Breakfast bagels are served with coffee.

In addition to the meals listed above, we also deliver meals to seniors at home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.